Truro Township has been consistently providing high-quality, professional services for years. Emergency medical calls make up a majority of what we do on a daily basis and we have been growing busier and busier every year. Each year we find ourselves faced with new challenges and work together within the department and with nearby agencies to provide the best care in a constantly changing environment. Truro Township strives to provide the best care and customer service possible every day to everyone we meet.
Truro has many members that are certified EMS instructors and lead training to keep all members up to date and proficient with their skills and regularly invites in local hospitals/ doctors to provide training to Truro Paramedics.
Keep information about you and your family in a handy place such as the refrigerator, your wallet or glove compartment.
Make sure your house or apartment number is easy to read and well lit.
Keep medical and insurance information up to date:
Keep emergency numbers in a handy place (911/Poison Control) and teach everyone in the house how to access the numbers.